Diario de Triangle-Woman

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15 julio 2021

I decided I need to start thinking about adding more exercise into my routine.

I used to employ a trainer in the hope that I could out exercise my body's desire to hang onto weight (now I know it was due to too much free circulating insulin.) I restricted calories, cut carbs, ate healthy all day long and just felt hungry, depleted and frustrated as I lost and gained the same three pounds for weeks.

Note I said, "start thinking about" and not actually doing something about it.

We are really busy with selling one property and buying to buy another. Looking at properties is a full time job right now because we've lost two bids already. It is crazy out there people!!

But I wanted to document that my body is demanding more movement. I've lost some weight, my inflammation has been greatly reduced due to the weight loss and my continuing IF schedule.

I literally am craving more movement!!!

I feel so energized all day long!!

Who am I?

I'll be finding another trainer soon. Until then I'll sign off and check out some You Tube videos....

Let me know what some of your favorites are! Be gentle!!

14 julio 2021

Opened my window earlier than usual this morning and plan on having two full meals within a 6 - 8 hour window instead of keeping with my 4-5 hour window.

I've already lost a pound and half this week and want to put the brakes on it for a few days and just plateau to let my body catch up.

No restriction on calories as usual, I just hope to eat my usual estimated 2000-2300 calories (I really don't count calories, but my meals usually involve enough bread, butter and mayo that I'm sure I'm busting through 2000 calories most days)

What I will do is give my body less time in the fasted, fat burning stage.

This morning I had three fried eggs, two slices of toast and plenty of mayo, harrisa seasoning and nutritional yeast plus two chunks of my Mom's home made strudel with coffee. Food is so delicious.

Feeling very sated so it probably will take at least 4-6 hours for me to be hungry again. ​

Never in my life would I have imagined thinking, "Huh, I think I'm losing weight too fast, let me slow down for a few days." or "I really hope I'm hungry in 4-6 hours so I can eat again and close my window."

Un-freaking believable.

But I have the rest of my life to get my goal body and part of that is trying to not have extra skin hanging around. I already see my "mommy apron" retracting and looking smaller and I'm seeing some definition in my arms which is weird because I'm not lifting weights (thank you extra human growth hormone created in the fasted state.)

I can't wait to see what two or three or four years of this lifestyle will do for me. It's funny but I could never imagine getting past reaching a goal weight when on other conventional diets. Not that I ever reached a goal weight. Ever.

I was also remembering this morning how I used to take supplements that were touted to "burn fat."

All they did was burn a hole in my wallet. But I do still try to remember to take my vitamins during my window.

That's all from me folks. Have a great day and keep up the good fight!!

10 julio 2021

I have tried every diet and CI/CO scheme under the sun. I started dieting in my teens and I'll be 54 this year.

A few that come to mind: Weight watchers, TOPS, Atkins Diet, Carb cycling, Intuative eating, Volumetrics, Mediterranean Diet, Scarsdale Diet, Fast Metabolism Diet, Plant Paradox Diet, Beach Body etc etc etc.

Truth be told, I probably never even really wanted to lose all the weight, because I knew with rock solid certainty that I had no idea how to keep it off. So really, why bother.

But my body is not a calculator, it is a chemistry experiment and obesity is a disease of hormonal imbalance, specifically of too much circulating insulin.

Two ways you can reduce insulin:

1. Ketogenic diets (unsustainable for me - I don't do well with too much fat or protein so the weigh loss is temporary)

Or I can just eat what I want...and then NOT eat for longish periods of time (16-20 hours) allowing my body time to reduce circulating insulin and tap into fat reserves.

When I used to not eat in the evenings when on this or that special diet, I always felt deprived and usually very, very hungry. My Grehlin (hunger hormone) production must have been totally out of whack.

But now I just eat what I want, and when I stop eating, I feel like I'm not depriving myself but I'm allowing my body the time and resources to first digest and then get on with important healing and clean up work as well as allowing it to tap into my fat reserves.

It's about an hour to my eating window and for some reason I'm hungrier today. I am learning that this happens just before another big "whoosh" of weight loss, so I'm looking forward to the coming week!! And I'm looking forward to the rest of the year and the rest of my life!

I have found my "FastSecret"!!
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
106,4 kg 10,2 kg 29,3 kg Bien
   (3 comentarios) Perdiendo 0,4 kg a la Semana

03 julio 2021

It's amazing that when I begin to lose weight, people start to care HOW I do it and whether HOW I lose weight is healthy or not.

Versus when I'm gaining weight, people don't give a flying fig about HOW I gain weight or how unhealthy it is to store so many extra calories on my body.

When I got lectures yesterday at a family gathering about how I'm "starving myself" when I do IF, that I will destroy my metabolism, that I will lose muscle mass, I just kept eating my cake and drinking my wine as I let then know about the many unique benefits of IF:

- Weight and body fat loss – improved body composition.

- Lowered blood insulin and glucose levels

- Reduced hemoglobin A1c (A1c) levels

- Reduced medication dependency

- Improved blood pressure (hypertension)

- Improved cholesterol levels[10,29,31]

- Improved mental clarity and concentration

- Increased energy 

- Increased growth hormone 

- Increased longevity

- Activated cellular cleansing by stimulating autophagy

- Reduction of inflammation

Plus, There’s no special equipment, foods or supplements with intermittent fasting.

Have a great weekend folks!

Excerpted from: https://thefastingmethod.com/

01 julio 2021

Opened my window late yesterday and had lunch with a friend.

Street tacos, chips and guac. No margaritas. Alcohol does not sit well with me any more, but I had a home made lemonade muddled with fresh mint and basil.

It was amazing.

And what was more amazing is that I enjoyed every bite, savoring it fully, not worrying one bit about micros or macros, fats or carbs. Came home and closed my window with full fat goat milk yogurt, and homemade bread and butter because of course I'm learning to bake using the book "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë François and I had to sample my first loaf.

At lunch, my friend and I talked of many things, but of course we also talked about about weight loss.

I explained how much I've missed over the years being clinically obese and how much joy I'm finally getting to experience with food. I told her that in 2005, just before Hurricane Katrina, we had visited New Orleans. I had just lost a pretty significant amount of weight (again) and was terrified to eat anything.

I had crappy salads with dressing on the side, eating my pre-packed little healthy snacks at specified times to "keep my metabolism up" and tracking everything, keeping things to 1500-1700 calories or less a day, avoiding Beignets, Poor Boys, and Banana's Foster.

Of course it was unsustainable and eventually the weight came back with friends.

But now....I really, really want to go back to New Orleans!

Peso Histórico de Triangle-Woman

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