Diario de Triangle-Woman

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24 julio 2021

I'm obese.

I'm clinically obese.

I've been clinically obese most of my life.

I'm 53.

I've been through menopause.

I had given up on being anything other than obese for the rest of my life. .


Apparently the unwritten rule here at "FatSecret" is that unless one is at goal weight one must STFU, and NOT dare to share any advice, tips, tricks, research, books or ideas.

Maybe that was the 'secret' all along?

I am not at goal weight not even close.

I don't even know what my goal weight will be because I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing and let my body figure that out over the next year or two.

I'm waiting to see what my body can do when I get out of the way and let it do it's thing: tap into stored fat reserves on daily basis and heal itself from the inside out.

I'm excited.

I'm joyous.

I'm at peace with all things food and eating and my body.

And yes, I want to share that joy and that information, especially when I see people talking about "the fight" or "the struggle" or the "oh my God I'm such a bad person because I ate XYZ."

That was me my whole life. I've been "at war" with my body dieting since I was 14.

I'm done fighting with my body, my hormones and my appetite.

I'm riding a high of 115 days of living an IF lifestyle, eating whatever I want, feeling satisfied and losing weight consistently. My tastes are changing. The first few weeks, hamburgers and french fries played heavily into the menus. I can hardly look at beef now for some reason. And the thought of french fries makes me gag. Maybe that will change, maybe it won't. Plenty of other choices so I'm not worried.

And in addition to being fat shamed here on this platform, my life was upended today because I learned rather uncerimoniously that my daughter will be moving back to live near us because her relationship with her boyfriend has come to an end. She will be bringing my grand daughter with her and for that I'm grateful because I have missed my little chica who lived with us all last pandemic year.

At any other time in my life this news would have been a stressor that would have upended any type of magical food diet/measuring weighing/CICO plan I was on at the time and I would have been on an upward weight trend until I got my life back in order.

But today, despite the news from my daughter and despite being told on this very platform to "sit down and shut up because you are still fat" I ate my delicious lunch, had a handful of chocolate covered almonds and a bullet proof coffee (because I love them, not because they are magic) and closed my window like I've done every day since April 1, 2021. I'm sated and satisfied with my food and my body if not many other aspects of my crazy life.

I'm ready to live life and face the upcoming challenges of getting my daughter moved back here, helping my husband transition to a new job within the next two months, helping my mom with a knee replacement she just had and various other life stressors/challenges that are here, or that I know are coming my way.

And I will be losing weight and/or healing my body every day that I'm facing those challenges.

I'll have 99 problems, but my "diet" won't be one of them because I'm literally NOT ON A DIET and never will be for the rest of my life.

So to anyone who thinks I "know it all"...I don't. I'm just sharing what has worked for me for 115 straight days with nary a break in my stride.

I'm gonna share below (yet again) the resources that have helped me get started. Send your slings and arrows if you will. Ignore it you want. I did. For over two years before I became desperate enough to "starve myself" for 15-20 hours a day (LOL - that is a joke in case you don't get it.)

If I help even one more person get off the weight loss roller coaster, get their lives and sanity back...all the slings and arrows are worth it.

I'm still fat. But everyday I'm getting better. And I'm worthy of being here and sharing my resources, my wisdom and my story.

♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•. • .♥♥¸.•*´¨`*• .¸♥♥.•. •*´¨`*•.¸♥♥

Intermittent Fasting starter kit:

The Obesity Code is AWESOME as a book of science based information about IF, but it is a heavy read. Dr. Jason Fung also has a lot of YouTube Videos that you can watch for re-caps and information.

You can google “Butter Bob - Fasting and the Fifty Percent Insulin Problem” to see a video regarding the science of reducing free circulating insulin and how obese people react to insulin spikes vs. normal size people. Butter Bob is a Keto guy, but you don't need to do Keto with IF (although they do have a synergistic effect.)

If you want a more down home approach to all the information you will need about IF, try reading one of Gin Stephen's books "Delay, Don't Deny" or "Fast, Feast, Repeat.”

She is a former teacher who lost 80 lbs with IF and has maintained the loss since 2016. She breaks everything down in such a relatable way. If you want to hear her speak about IF, listen to her on her pod casts, "Intermittent Fasting Stories" or "The Intermittent Fasting Podcast" which she hosts with another lady. I hate the two commercial breaks on each episode, but you can fast forward over those.

Most recently I’m reading “Fast this Way” by David Asprey (creator of Bullet Proof Coffee.) His take on fasting is a little different from some of the others, and he began his IF journey in a shaman's cave in Arizona, but hey, whatever works. If I had unlimited time and money, I'd be right there with him because it sounds super cool to my hippy drippy mind.

Good luck, God bless and see you on the flip side...

24 julio 2021

Rainy here, so the day will be home projects and binge watching second season of Ted Lasso.

For the nerds out there...enjoy my favorite nerdy jokes.


Heisenberg and Schrödinger are driving in a car and they get pulled over. The police officer asks, “Do you know how fast you were going?” Heisenburg says, “Well, not really, but I can tell you where exactly where I was.”

The officer thinks this peculiar response is grounds for a search and he finds a dead cat in the trunk and he says, “Do you guys know that there is a dead cat in your trunk?” and Shrodinger says, “Well I do now.”


This is hilarious, and also true: if a pizza has a radius 'z' and a depth 'a' that pizza's volume can be defined as: Pi*z*z*a.


Argon walks into a bar. The bartender says, “We don’t serve noble gasses here.”

Argon doesn't react.


What do we want: TIME TRAVEL

When do we want it?: It’s irrelevant.


Two antennaes got married. The wedding wasn't much to speak of, but the reception was fantastic. 


Keep the faith.


23 julio 2021

Good morning!!!

Glad to be back up north where it is so, so much cooler!!

Trip to Texas was wonderful. Loved seeing my little Beauty and she will be visit me in August, so excited about that.

Intermittent Fasting went just fine I was happy to see I lost a pound so far this week (my last weigh in for the week will be tomorrow.) My "windows" were longer and there was much celebrating and great food!! Nothing was off the table so I felt no depravation or food cravings the way I would have if I had been struggling with a special diet or resenting taking precious time away from my baby to track CI/CO.

I was kind of surprised at the loss because the temps were well into the mid to high 90's with off the chart humidity. In my previous pre-IF life that sort of thing would easily give me a 3-5 pound weight bump due to water retention.

It is also so easy to travel without having to think about eating.

I did discover "Topo Chico" mineral water in Texas!!! I had heard tell about it on IF threads and it is the bomb.com! I love mineral water, but this one had twice the fizz!! I'll have to make an effort to see where I can acquire some.

Have a great weekend and keep the faith!

16 julio 2021

15 julio 2021

If there was a pill that did what fasting for free does for the body in terms of weight loss and health benefits, someone would be a billionaire within weeks.

I love Gin Stephens and Jason Fung and Mark Mattson.

And now I have "Butter Bob"!!

High fat, high protein diets don't work for my body so I never would have gravitated toward his site on my own, but Butter Bob was recommended on a Gin Stephens Podcast so buddy you bet I started googling him.

"Fasting and the Fifty Percent Insulin Problem" knocked my socks off and helped to reframe how I think about high insulin problems in obese people (yeah, I'm talking about me). No wonder I was ravenous when I cut calories.

At any rate, it not only explains why I was like that then, and why I'm a totally different person now.

He has other videos and I plan on binge watching those as soon as I can.



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