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23 febrero 2012

This is another post that I have found from someone on another website. Very helpful information!!!

Originally Posted by Andrea44

Checklist or Reminders for New Folks...(I post this every so often based on what I've learned in doing Atkins for two years):
Vitamins...make sure you are taking a good absorbable multi-vitamin that is iron-free daily. You won't need the extra iron with the green veggies and meats you're eating now.
Supplements...muscles really like a magnesium/potassium combo, along with lots of water.
Cravings...In the older Atkins book, Dr. Atkins recommended a combination of L-Glutamine, B complex,and Chromium Piccolinate as a tool to help curb cravings. I for one, can attest to its effectiveness. The Chromium alone is quite effective. Its about $4 a bottle at Walmart. Also, if you have a sweet craving,a quick remedy is to chomp on a nice dill pickle. The saltiness will confuse your taste buds. Cravings can be indicative of a need for more fat in your diet, as well. I use butter on nearly everything; sautee in coconut oil, eat a fair amount of bacon, and use plenty of fat for salad dressings. Sounds strange, works great.
Atkins Flu....the phenomenom that sometimes occurs when the body is switching from carb-burning to fat-burning. It feels sorta like the muscle-achiness when you get a real flu. The remedy is easy: 2cups of full-sodium chicken broth daily for >a week,usually. 1 cup in the morning, 1 in the afternoon/evening. I think it must do something to electrolytes and balance everything out. Works beautifully.
Sweeteners....Splenda is preferred. I have something of an allergic reaction to it, so I use Xylitol. No matter. The thing to remember with any sweetener is to limit your intake to 3 serving-size portions per day. No more. You're trying to cure an addiction to sweets/carbs here. So, the limit is good. Also, there are articles and studies out there which indicate use of aspartame (Nutrasweet) can increase appetite and cravings. I'm not saying that it is absolute-but just be aware that the info is out there.
Now,my favorite example of serving-size sweetener. Let's say, you're used to downing a big bottle of Diet Mountain Dew, or Diet Coke-or iet Root Beer (my fav), every day at lunch. Turn that bottle around, and you might see that the bottle contains something like 2.5 servings. And you just finished the bottle. This means you just used up 2.5 of your allowed sweeteners for the day. Yep. I had to sit down and examine that for myself, and then re-evaluate how I wanted to use my daioly allotment. Just some food for thought. As for diet soda, at least in the older Atkins books, Dr. Atkins recommended Diet Rite or Tab. Rite comes in many flavors now, so it is a nice option if ya gotta have a soda.
And, sugar free chewing gum...it counts as a sweetener. 1 stick=1sweetener. How's that for an eye-opener?!LOL!

Water...Drink alot of water. Chuck Norris says Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces, daily. So if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water a day. (I don't even come close most days, but it is a good rule of thumb.)

Heavy cream...best option if you put cream in your coffee. It has a limit though..2 or 3 Tablespoons daily. (I really don't remember~!) It is dairy, and daily contains its own natural sugars...so the limit is a must. I have a sensitivity to it, so I use less.

Cheese...only 4 ounces per day during induction. And, only the kinds listed. 4 ounces is not a huge amount, so be cautioned. Again, it is dairy, and I have a 2 ounce limit.

Food-logging...a must. I learned of my sensitivities to cheese, cream and certain nuts when I was diligent with logging all my foods on Fitday.com. I discovered a trend of stalling or gaining when I ate more cheese, cream or nuts. I wiped the slate clean, with stricter limits on those items (or just total elimination of them), and the weight loss kicked in again.

Approved foods...print your list off and use it! Keep it posted on the fridge for a reminder.

Labels...read them. Many things that are pre-made will have added sugars. Everything from canned tomatoes to lunch meat~! So, steer far away from as much pre-fab food as you can.

Veggies: This is a must. You are allowed 20 Net Carbs per day. That is total carbs minus fiber (and sugar alcohols, if any). 12-15 of those 20 Net Carbs have got to come from the list of induction approved veggies.

Ratios...,I don't know that it is really written in stone anywhere...but this is what I have seen posted elsewhere:
FAT: 60-70%
PROTIEN: 20-25%
NET CARBS: 5-10%
Everyone is different, so this is just a basic thing to work off from. Personally, the closer I stay to 70-25-5, the better. You will find your niche, and the sooner you begin food-logging, the sooner you'll find it.

When you seem to stall.....First, a "stall" is when you've not lost any INCHES AND POUNDS for 4 straight weeks. To determine if this is the case, you have to not only weigh yourself in the beginning, but measure yourself as well. I hadn't lost any pounds for 6 weeks, but I had lost 3 or 4 inches on my waist. So, I was technically not stalled. Weight is not the only indicator here.
A slow in weight can (not always) but it can be a signal for you to move to OWL. Your body might want more foods-or more of a variety of foods. OWL loss is slower than induction, and it is indeed healthy. Here is where many folks lose the majority of their weight. The slower loss helps our skin to adjust to the fat disappearance, as well.

I know this is not a complete list of reminders, but it is something to work from. I'm only posting it to help folks out. Learning all of this was a blessing in the beginning of my journey. Re-writing for you all is a blessing now, because it serves as a reminder to me also.
I have to run now....got lots of chores to do. But, if there are any questions...please post! Never, ever be afraid to ask a question or post a comment!!! Everyone here is family- whether you're in Denmark or Detroit! It doesn't matter.
We all want each other to succeed and thrive. So, post whatever is on your mind, and some loving, caring buddy on here will come to the rescue!
Hugs to you all!!!!!!- Andrea

23 febrero 2012

I copied and pasted this infor. from a person who has lost 100 lbs successfully. This is a good base guideline. Some things my not work for me or others that are listed, but its worth a try to find out what works for me.

quote send message Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 22:17
Back to a new low today and feeling pretty good. One of my buddies asked for some weight loss tips so I put together this list and figured I would also post it here.

Here are some things that have worked for me:

No cheating - No sugar or starch period! I have kept within my 20 net carbs per day (mostly from green veggies) for most of the first 6 months (It has only recently that I have moved on to OWL and started adding other items in the carb ladder)

Keep calories in check - Just because we are on Atkins doesn’t mean we can eat anything we want – for the most part I try to consistently eat about 1500 calories per day. Find a number that works for you and try to stick with it (e.g. make sure you don’t go too far above or below this value on a daily basis).

Record everything – I have the Fat Secret app on my Windows Phone and I record everything I eat when I eat it. Whenever possible I weigh the food I eat too just to make sure the numbers are accurate.

Weigh Daily – People have different views on this. But I find weighing myself first thing in the morning when I wake up helps keep me on track.

Exercise – I started adding exercises 1 month after I started the diet. Nothing fancy: Three times a week I go to the gym and spend 35 minutes on the elliptical (now treadmill), 20 minutes weight lifting, and 5 minutes stretching. Every week I increase the level (e.g. more weight or higher resistance) a bit.

No Alcohol – I love Scotch but I have pretty much given it up except for very rare occasions. Recently I have experimented with adding back a glass of wine once a week and not had any issues.

Food tips:

Breakfast – I have a Premier Nutrition chocolate shake (from Costco) and coffee every morning for breakfast

Lunch – I have a salad or the ‘lunch special’ at work when it is Atkins friendly (e.g. cleanly cooked protein and vegies). On the weekend I usually make an Atkins friendly wrap using left over protein wrapped in a Carbsmart tortilla.

Dinner – I am not much of a cook but Costco has been a life saver. They have pre-made meals like Morton’s Pot Roast, Cuisine Solutions Chicken, Pulled Pork, etc. that are really low carb. I buy one of these each week along with a bucket of spinach or kale and whip up a quick dinner every night. Trader Joes also has some good Atkins friendly products if you look for them including their pot roast, feta dressing, and stuffed pork loin.

Snacks – I have a cheese stick at 11am and a Quest protein bar (used to be Atkins brand) at 2pm every day that gives me the energy I need. When I first started I would also have 10 almonds and 5 pistachios at about 4pm but I don’t feel the need for them anymore.

Sweets – Try to avoid them whenever possible. I eat sugar free Jell-O cups a few times a week for dinner. Now that I am in OWL I also will sometimes have low-carb yogurt, a Bryer’s low carb fudge pop, or an Atkins Indulge bar.

Drinks – Lots of water. I drink lots of Talking Rain Sparkling Spring Water (No Sodium. All natural. Zero Calories. No Sweeteners)

Restaurants - I eat out a lot less than before. But when I do I always check the menu online first and make a plan for what I am going to eat. Here are my regulars:

Thai – Lots of great food but you have to be careful – they sneak sugar in everywhere. I usually end up getting garlic pork with lettuce instead of rice.

Vietnamese – Also good but everything gets covered in hoisin sauce (which is pure sugar) so I usually ask for extra napkins and quickly wipe off my pork chop .

Greek – Chicken souvlaki salads are great!

American – Usually end up with salads. Practice saying “hold the nuts/cranberries/croutons and put the dressing on the side”

Japanese – Salmon Shiozake (also sometimes mislabeled Terakihi) is grilled salted salmon and is reasonably healthy.

Chinese – Usually easy to find something edible on authentic Chinese food menus but can be a bit tougher at American Chinese food restaurants.

Mexican – I love Mexican food but have a really hard time eating at Mexican restaurants now. I have found I can usually get away with a fajita platter (with lettuce instead of tortillas) but it is still a lot of calories.

Breakfast – Omelets (hold the hash browns and toast). Now that I am on OWL I usually get a side of cottage cheese. One restaurant I go to even serves sautéed vegetables on the side!

Subway Salad – Great when I am on a road trip and need a quick bite to eat. I usually get a spinach & “chicken breast” salad with lots of vegies and a small amount of ranch (“chicken breast” in quotes because their chicken actually has 4 carbs – not sure how they manage that)

Places I go in the past that I now avoid - Panda Express, McDonalds, KFC, Wendy’s, Bakeries, Mexican restaurants,

Don’t be afraid to ask – As a polite Canadian I found it hard to speak up and ask questions about the food I ate and/or ask for substitutions. But I have needed to work through these issues and be more forward. At restaurants I always ask if it is possible to substitute a sugar/starch rich side for something else (e.g. rice for lettuce, bread for cottage cheese, etc.). Before I attend a party I ask what will be on the menu and either eat before or take a snack with me if needed.

Grocery Shopping – Everyone says ‘shop the edges’ and this has worked well for me. I have previously mentioned Costco and Trader Joes. At my regular grocery store I stock up on cheese, frozen veggies, salad vegetables, protein (chicken/pork/beef), and dairy (heavy whipping cream and eggs).

Make weight loss a focus – A lot of my free time now is spent on weight loss. I read fat secret journals (of both my buddies and folks in the Atkins group) everyday which helps keep me motivated. I read the Atkins blog. I watch Biggest Loser. I read exercise magazines. I signed up for my first 5K.

Most of all stay internally motivated and remember you can do it! It hasn’t been easy to do, but looking back it, the journey has totally been worth it and really had a positive effect on my self-confidence, energy-level, career, and relationship with my wife.

Be Happy!

21 febrero 2012

19 febrero 2012

18 febrero 2012

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