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16 noviembre 2011

I am posting this here because I cannot post it on my blog as some people I know IRL do read it and well... they have big mouths. lol

A couple months ago my mom dreamed up this idea to start saving money for a house, we had planned on saving $20,000, my younger (2nd youngest brother) Cordee - NOT HIS REAL NAME, and I thought it was a great idea so we all started saving money for a house, we figured it would take us roughly 20 months to do this. She than got an email from her mortgage broker, just a random email, and she emailed her back and told her that we were thinking about buying a house, but it wouldnt be for a while, she just wanted some advice. The mortgage broker goes - hey fill in some papers, we will do some checks and we will go from there.

The paper work was done, we got a limit on what we could get right now, got sent to a bank and did more paperwork for a line of credit and then we started looking for a place. We have seen 3 houses, 1 was ok but they didn't like our offer, the 2nd one was a complete joke, and the 3rd one.. well we walked in and it was love, not a like, not a lust, LOVE people. I LOVED this house, it felt like home, it was inviting, it was warm, and I could imagine myself living there. It was however out of our price range. We decided that we would put an offer in - you never know if you don't try. They didn't refuse the offer, but they did do a counter offer. I was a little let down by the whole thing, but the real estate agent said go back and talk to the mortgage broker (the offer was about 8000 dollars more than we had been told we could get), and see what she could do.. well we got the extra 8 after doing some fancy juggling of things.

So today, we have put in a second and final offer on this house. I will not know anything until around 6 or 6:30pm. My stomache is in knots. I am extremely excited, and scared and stressed and everything that may fall in between those things. Infact for the past month I have maybe been getting 2 - 4 hours of sleep, and not a good nice deep sleep that I would like to have, no its more of a sleep for an hour.. wake up for an hour .. sleep for an hour ... and repeat until 6am when I drag my ass out of bed. so I am exhausted mentally and physically.

I know that by them accepting the offer does not mean I have a house yet, it means that the money stuff starts, which is going to be harder on me than anything else lol.

So that is what is going on in my life at this moment... Its a secret because my doucey brother will throw a temper tantrum (he is moving out on December 1st and didn't tell me until last week... meaning december rent for me has doubled).

So like I said not exactly food or diet related but it is because I am exhausted so working out is a chore, im not sleeping properly, my food intake has increased like crazy .... and I just want it to be over lol

14 noviembre 2011

Hi, remember me? I have missed you.

I have spent most of my days over at MFP, it has taken over my FS addiction. I haven't been doing any journaling anywhere lately - not even on my blog. I have a lot going on in my head but when I sit down to write them out..well its just gone, so please forgive me is this is rambly and all over the place.

Last Wednesday I found out my brother and his girlfriend are moving out. I am pissed, not because they are moving out but because they were not gonna tell me until closer to December 1 (when they move out.) I found out accidently when the GF said something like "I am not sure if we have a microwave at the other place." I said "Other place?" and she spilled the beans. This means my niece, my brother and gf are gone, so then my brother (the nice non-douchey one) and I have to figure out how to pay an extra 375 a piece for rent. Thankfully I found out with roughly 3 weeks left to come up with the money, had my brother had his way he would have told me the day thye moved screwing me over for rent. This also meant we had to kick up our house search quite a bit so we are only tagged with a months worth of rent rather than more than that.

In some ways I am glad my brother will be gone - he stresses me out beyond belief, I actually don't talk about how stressed I really am about him - to anyone. I will miss my girl (my niece) terribly but I should still have her Monday and wednesday - for swimming, we haven't been swimming lately because she cut her leg, and then I got a tattoo but we have been crafting for christmas and it has been fun - we are almost done.

We put an offer in on a house on Saturday, they countered our offer and we just submitted another offer today (we came up to their counter offer) so hopefully this will be the house we get. We really like it, it is literally about a block from where I am living right now so moving will not be difficult - this will be my 5th winter move, moving in the winter blows!!! But if we get this place I will be super excited - I think they will accept our second offer then it is just waiting on the money stuff to go through.

um really that is all I have time to talk about, I am sorry I have been a sucky friend lately. I am just not feeling a lot of stuff lately.

02 noviembre 2011

01 noviembre 2011

31 octubre 2011

Ok its been a while... lets see.

We are house hunting, we put an offer in on a house this weekend but they didn't take it, told us it was too low but we are unwilling to offer them what they want as the walls and paint and stuff need to be done, so we don't want to spend butt loads of money on something we have to put more buttloads of money into fixing it up. Not really upset, we are supposed to go look at another place this week sometime so I am sure something will come up.

My brother has decided to move out, they will be out by the first of December, but here is the kicker.. he hasn't told me he is moving out so technically my other brother and I are screwed for rent because neither one of us can afford to split $1500 on rent. So we are gonna kick up our house hunting - he is unaware of the fact that we are looking to buy, and we aren't telling him as we would like to make him worry for a while. May sound mean but for almost 5 years this is the kind of thing he has done to me and my sanity is gone. While I am sad that my niece will no longer be living with me, part of me is happy to see my brother realize how much I am/have been doing.

I won the halloween costume title again this year, that is 3 years running. We don't do any prizes as to not hurt people feelings but it is nice to have the bragging rights. Fridays party was pretty uneventful until C showed up and got hammered, and by hammered I mean I have never seen the guy this drunk in the 8 years, it was quite rediculous. I actually left early because I couldn't handle the drunk people around me - I felt old.

Still having issues with my shoulder/back/neck.. hoping to get into see my massage thereapist today to see if he can fix it. I am also getting the tattoo finished tomorrow afternoon.

Thats really about it - food is good - no candy for this girl and its the 31st so thats a bonus. and exercise.. well it could be better but I am working on it.

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